Sunday, February 3, 2013

New resolve to try to go out more

Today I watched some youtube videos, did some paperwork and thought about artistic nudity which is quite a subject.

I should eat more.

Yesterday I ate out for my evening meal, mind the previous three days I had not ate much more than coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

Yesterday although I do not often go out quite by surprise I found myself out bowling with my flatmate and his friends. All I previously knew of his friends were their going to the gym and learning about computer science, whatever that is. So... fit and intelligent ?

Not quite no. Rather I noticed them a couple of times do some sort of macho chest bumping each other, and none of them paid me any mind for the duration of bowling quite. We also went to the cinema after and one of them used their phone during the film a few times, which is not good. (at the cinema the whole place is dark, if you use your phone its like taking out a torch basically with all the light it brings)

Mind they were friendly and funny as the time wore on and after we all went out for food.

Ohhhhh food. I suddenly feel as though I have neglected myself poorly. The evening was fun, talking and the such and having food.

I ate poorly this week because I was preoccupied with work and thinking about the possibilities. I have done quite a lot of paperwork recently, all to the deadline looming of the 11th.

And each day I have tried to go out for a bit for coffee and see if there is anyone out there who seems interesting. Supposedly the trick to meeting people is just getting out there mind so far there seems to be no luck.

Things I have seen while out for coffee:

someone who seemed to have blood on their hands or something, but seemed to just read a newspaper as though it was nothing.

Patches of fire outside a garage, to which the mechanic seemed to be ignoring.

A big dog blocking my path while I was walking down the street, which I avoided. (I was bitten by a dog in this area last year and I am a bit afraid)


Hello my name is Amelia, I am 21 years old as I write this and I am going to type words about relationships and love. It strikes me that when I hear of a man talking of wanting love he sounds sweet and sensitive, however if a single lady does she sends off the overly attached vibe somehow. Is this correct, is this how things are perceived by others?
I do not want to talk of things and in doing so be putting off partners constantly and sound desperate.
But at the same time I don't think it is, I think love is sweet, and I would be a good partner.

At the moment I am filled with hope and innocence abound at times. I wonder things such as what shall he be like, will he protect me, love me, will I love him?

I have not had any boyfriends, I have not avoided doing so mind, rather no one asks.

I wonder if when we meet I shall know or if he shall have to prove himself and i wonder how many people i will have to be heartbroken by before I do find love.

Love is of course, not the only thing I think about, but relationships are the focus of this blog so if I sound as though I am going on about it really thats because that is what this area is for.

I listened to this song by the way today, thought it was good. :)

Today my mum rang up and we talked for a while and then I asked if my sister got the present I got her for her birthday. She had, mum said she screamed!

I got her chocolate realistically shaped and painted... to look like a snail!